Saturday, June 27, 2009


HOW ? ... Our Kids !!!
" EDUCATE (Kids) to SUCCEED " Our Best investment is in Kids, Our kids, Other Kids, All Kids, here is an investment that has limitless, massive returns that no one wants to miss out on, that all can benefit from and can be the ANSWER to Ending Poverty and can make the better world that we all want.
We all have a DREAM of a better world, here's an answer ... imagine YOU are one of Millions of Get Buzzy Ambition Coach's, inspiring, coaching and helping children to unleash their potential with 21st century education. The future I want is the best I can give my kids, your kids and all kids. Thanks for Joining me and let's continue to make a difference ... in the bible Jesus said about his teachings "tell and see", he did not say push people to believe,to do anything or demand.
Just "tell and see", Thank you for telling ... for us and all children.
I believe you and I have something that CAN be a movement to make a difference. "From little acorns mighty oaks do grow".
Through 21st Century education, information, answers and good valuesand priciples "IMAGINE what Kids could BE, DO and HAVE and GIVE ..........WOW !!!
All we need to do is INSPIRE them with 21st Century Education ... and it is available .... start with GET BUZZY EDUCATION, Ambition Coachs and a WE CAN END POVERTY attitude.
Please leave a short message and again thanks, Joe